Supported Living

Adults with specialist care and support

What is Supported Living?

Adults with specialist care and support needs have traditionally lived with their families or within residential care homes. However, there are a variety of different Home care, supported living & housing options available should an individual wish to strike out on their own.

Supported living is a model of support focused on providing accommodation and support to people who need regular substantial support as an alternative to the more traditional forms of residential care. Supported living provides more security, rights, choice and control to the individual than residential care. The housing and support is built around the person rather than fitting the person into an existing service.

Within supported living individuals receive ‘support’ and not just ‘care’. The individual is empowered to make decisions and choices about their lives – from small issues like their daily activities, what they eat and how their rooms are decorated to bigger issues regarding where they live or whether they work.

The individual receiving the support has their own tenancy, one of the most important elements of supported living. SA Care Services have established links with housing providers, offering a number of housing options. This means that as a service we are able to provide a complete package of support, starting with the commissioning of a service, identifying the preferred housing options, working with those involved to identify the location to the on-going delivery of an integrated package of support and housing. Our housing partners are reputable, registered social landlords who are committed to working with their tenants and their support providers to ensure the provision of high quality housing alongside the support.

We recognise that service users, commissioners and practitioners have difficulties finding a flexible, responsive and innovative supported living or housing option. Our service seeks to make the process simple, putting the individual(s) at the centre of the service provision whilst adhering to current legislation and best practice.

Housing Options

Supported Living can be delivered in a number of ways;

  • An individual may chose to live alone
  • Living within a shared house with a partner, friend or small group of friends whom they already know
  • Another housing option is to meet and engage with a group who already live together. At a later point it may be that living with that group could be facilitated, if felt appropriate by ALL concerned.

The timescales for setting up a new project vary and are dependent upon the housing option or supported living requirements and can typically take from 2 to 5 months for a new home to be ready. During this time we can be working alongside an individual to provide supported living within an individual’s home. This enables a smooth transition to the new environment, as support teams and packages can be planned and implemented in order they become established and familiar, staggering the change in the person’s life.

Shared Ownership Schemes or buying a property

More people with specialist care and support needs are choosing to buy their own homes. Many are able to do this through shared ownership. This does not necessarily mean that a service user has to share a property; the other people involved with the ownership could be family members.

For more information on supported living or housing options, please contact us straight away using the enquiry form or phone us on 0121 770 8888